
Kenntnis prüfung


Kenntnisprüfung is a medical equivalence exam that doctors from developing countries generally have to do to get permission to practice medicine. This leveling exam is important to check whether the knowledge of foreign doctors is comparable to that of German doctors. This test is used as a comparison. The focus of this exam is on internal medicine and surgery. In addition, interdisciplinary questions about emergency medicine, pharmacology, radiology or legal questions related to the medical profession.

Doctors generally have to register for the equivalence test (Gleichwertigkeitsprüfung) before registering for the medical equivalence exam. If the doctor passes the equivalence test, the doctor does not need an equivalence test. But , If a deficit or deficiency is found in the equivalence test, then a medical equivalent test should be carried out. In general, doctors who have graduated from developing countries do not meet the requirements of the equivalence test so an equivalence test must be carried out.

Registration is made at the local doctor's association with the responsible state government. Make sure you submit the application form in a timely manner! It is best to submit your application at least 6 months prior to your desired exam date.

The fee for the equalization exam varies from state to state. It costs between € 266 in Saarland and € 1,100 in Hessen or the Rhineland-Palatinate. As fees are subject to change from time to time, it is strongly recommended to inquire about current exam fees with the responsible authorities.

The equivalence exam includes a theoretical test and an oral practice test with patient presentations. Usually, the exam is done at the university clinic or at the hospital assigned to carry out the test.

  1. 1. Clinical Examination

In the clinical exam, the doctor taking the exam will perform anamnese and clinical examination of a patient. The history and clinical examination is supervised by a doctor or a medical member of the local medical association. The duration of the examination is approximately 30-45 minutes. After the clinical examination, the examining doctor will write a doctor's report (Arztbrief), which provides information about the anamnese, clinical examination, diagnosis and differential diagnosis. The doctor's report should also contain information about the prognosis, investigations and treatment of the case. Exam takers have up to 30 minutes for this.

  1. 2. Oral Examination.

After clinical trials, oral practice examinations were carried out on the same day or several days later. Typically, the exam is done in a group exam where each participant doctor will be tested for up to 90 minutes. The focus of these questions relates primarily to internal medicine and surgery. In addition, interdisciplinary questions about emergency medicine, pharmacology, radiology or legal questions related to the medical profession.

  1. 3. Results.

The doctor participating in the exam will be told orally whether he passed or not. A written confirmation of the results of the knowledge test will be sent by the responsible agency after a few weeks. The assessment will be carried out by the examining doctor. An exam is considered passed if the candidate has the necessary knowledge and skills, including the ability to conduct medical interviews, which are necessary for the subject of examination and to practice the medical profession.

The knowledge test can be repeated a maximum of two times. If the knowledge test does not pass, the exam committee will make recommendations for when the doctor should repeat the test at the earliest. In addition, the examination committee recommends further action (eg literature study) and literature.

You must have at least the following knowledge and skills to pass the Kenntnisprüfung exam:

- The concept of therapy.
- Health profession laws and professional regulations, regarding patient rights and the will of life in Germany.
- German Narcotics Law.
- Knowledge of matters relating to transfusions and transplants, about medicine and about radiation protection regulations, medical euthanasia, medical confidentiality and so on.
- Adequate communication with patients.
- Safe and correct use of common medical terms.
- Usage clinical examination techniques.
- Writing doctor's letter.
- Registration of diagnostics or investigations.
- Correct interpretation of important diagnostic tools, such as ECG and laboratory results, etc.

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